Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Friday, May 27, 2011

All About Me Girls Conference!

I recently served as keynote speaker for the "All About Me" Girls Conference in Fort Worth. This was an incredible conference that served young ladies in Dunbar, Eastern Hills, and O.D. Wyatt High Schools! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet and share with this community of girls. Enjoy the pics!

Redefine beauty,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Take 25' with Miss Black Texas USA!

Today is National Missing and Exploited Children's Day. The Miss Black USA Scholarship Pageant and Foundation, Inc. invited all state delegates to 'Take 25' in their communities to educate children about personal safety! I was fortunate to facilitate my 'Take 25' event as John W. Carpenter Elementary, where I enlightened seventy 3rd-5th grade students on tips for safety. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children charges Americans to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. Have you taken the time to discuss safety with children in your family yet? Please do so today. For resources, please visit http://www.take25.org/ and http://www.netsmartz.org/.


Miss Black Texas USA - DOLLS Event!

I had the unique opportunity to serve as keynote speaker for the D.O.L.L.S. Mentoring Organization's True Beauty Graduation Ceremony this past weekend. D.O.L.L.S. is a rites of passage program for girls of Birdie Alexander Elementary in Dallas, TX. One of the great blessings of being Miss Black Texas USA is the opportunity to empower girls through speaking, and hear how the message touches them personally. Here I snagged a shot with one stunning "doll" who is commencing to middle school next year! Congratulations to all of the 2011 graduates of this fantastic program!

Redefining beauty,