Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Meet Roneshia

Roneshia Ray made history when she was crown as the first queen under the new Miss Black Texas America CoEd Pageant (Miss Black Texas). She is an example of the quote "Without Struggle, there is no Progress." Her struggle begin her senior year of high school when she was homeless. Although her situation may have seemed hopeless, Roneshia never left her dreams of college die. Those dreams became a reality when she graduated from Texas Southern University earning Bachelor of Science degree in Administration of Justice and Minor in Speech Communications. She is furthering her education in the Masters program at Texas Woman's University. While on the path of pursing her own dreams she never forgets to help those behind her. Roneshia actively engages the youth of community by volunteering with the YMCA. She also molds the minds of youth in the classroom as the Founding Speech and Dance Director at KIPP Generations. During her reign she will promote her platform iD.R.E.A.M. Determination, Rarefied,Endurance, Adversity,and Mentorship. The importance of dreaming can be seen in a first generation scholar, a new mother, and even the eyes of our President of the United States.  Roneshia's platform, iD.R.E.A.M. promotes Educational, Social, and Fine Arts development  for young adults and children through workshops, community outreach programs, and engaging volunteer programs.Through iD.R.E.A.M. Miss Black Texas America CoEd, hopes to partner with local schools to aid seniors in applying for colleges and universities. Using the M for Mentorship in her platform, Roneshia will continued to host “ Tea and Crumpets” a  one-year etiquette program, where she develops young ladies through community service, academics, social skills, and mentoring. Roneshia’s goal is to create an atmosphere where youth can develop their dreams into reality. 

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