Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wishing you a great holiday and Happy New Year! Selena Mitchell , Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2011

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays!

On behalf of Miss Black Texas USA Ocielia Gibson, Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen Selena Mitchell, Ms. Black Texas USA Aisha Deslandes, Miss Black Texas USA Pre-Teen Bridget Reagins and the entire Miss Black Texas USA Organization staff we wish you a very


Miss Black Texas USA's Interview with Dallas South News

See Miss Black Texas USA Ocielia Gibson's interview with Dallas South News

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spreading Holiday Cheer....Girl Power Style!

I was so blessed yesterday to speak at Dallas ISD's Southwest Community Holiday Girls
Tea! Campus leaders from Carter High, Atwell Academy, and Hulcy Middle School gathered to celebrate Christmas...and each other. One of the most touching aspects of this event were the testimonies that girls shared on how they changed this year due to mentoring. These are young girls who received mentoring for just 2 hours a week this past semester. Yet, within that little time they've experienced positive growth and maturation as young ladies. Never estimate the power of your attention to anyone. You can make a powerful impact with a small investment of time, mixed with a BIG bundle of love!
Holiday blessings,
Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hello from Selena Mitchell, Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2011 - Video Blog #3

Being Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2011 requires one to participate in many activities, appearances, speaking engagements, etc. in addition to keeping up with school, hobbies and friends. It's a non-stop whirlwind of fun, new adventures, learning experiences, food and sweets. Nevertheless, it requires one to be a very good "juggler" in order to maintain balance. For the next few days, I'm going to step back from the excitement in order to focus on studying for mid-terms so that I can enjoy the upcoming Christmas holiday vacation.

Plan to meet me at the Eastside Boys and Girls Club on Martin Luther King Drive on December 17 for their "Dinner with Santa" event. If you are unable to attend, I will also be attending a concert recital at the Dominion Village at the "Dominion" on December 22 at 7:00 p.m. where I will be speaking to the kids that are participating in the concert, as well as, those in the audience. Remember to...

Grow, Discover, Fly: Self-Empowerment

Selena Mitchell :)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Crowning Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Relive the moment when Miss Black Dallas USA Ocielia Gibson became Miss Black Texas USA

Crowning Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2011

Relive the moment when Miss Black San Antonio USA Talented Teen Selena Mitchell became Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen

Thursday, December 9, 2010


This past week, I was delighted to be involved in a couple of activities which allowed me to continue to spread the importance of reading to youth in the community, as well as one that promoted the value of mentoring. The first activity was "Cookies with Santa" a free community outreach program held on Saturday, December 4th, sponsored by the Molly Pruitt Branch Library. Approximately 75 neighborhood kids enjoyed Christmas story-time, read by myself and the SIB (Sistas In Business) "Read to Lead" program participants from Cameron Elementary school. The kids also learned how to create arts and crafts from "around the world" and had their pictures taken with Santa, himself. I especially enjoyed being involved in the activity because I am a true believer that inspiring kids to read and to become avid readers will encourage them to stay in school which I feel is a key component to becoming successful in life.

The second project I participated in was a Girl Scout Campout which was also held on December 4th, at the Sally Cheever's Leadership Center, the headquarters for Girls Scouts of Southwest Texas. During this event, girl scouts from all over San Antonio were brought together and took part in numerous outdoor activities such as archery and making S'mores. I volunteered to teach other scouts how to make bird feeders out of peanut butter and bird seeds. We made a pretty big mess but we also bonded and made new friends. I truly enjoyed being involved in both events. Remember...

"Grow, Discover, Fly: Self-Empowerment"

Selena Mitchell, Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2011

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sending love to the ladies of Storey Middle!

I had SUCH a great time with the beautiful girls of Storey Middle School (Dallas) last Monday!

Kicking off my speaking tour as Miss Black Texas USA, I shared with the 7th-8th grade girls about my struggles with self-esteem and negative pressures growing up, as well as how to deal with such issues.

I'm looking forward to meeting and empowering even more girls to redefine beauty!

In service,


Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Friday, December 3, 2010


I am so honored and excited to serve as Miss Black Texas USA 2011!

I am dedicating my year to empowering girls to REDEFINE the modern scope of beauty - through embracing a positive self-identity, delaying sexual activity and being agents of service in their communities. This will primarily be implemented through my platform and non-profit organization, More Than a Pretty Face Inc.
Not only will I carry out this mission through my organization, but I am looking forward to reaching young ladies through my recently-launched Girls' Speaking Tour. (Be on the lookout for details!)
For more info on More Than a Pretty Face Inc, visit: http://www.morethanaprettyface.org/.
To visit MTPF Inc's blog for girls, check out: http://flygirlreport.blogspot.com/