Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Friday, September 28, 2012

Rock the Vote!

As a political science major what my teachings have taught me is the importance of appreciating the democratic process that we have here in the United States. As a citizen it is our duty to express our vote in the election procedure. This concept is what I promoted today. I was asked by the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) to help host a voter registration drive, in San Antonio. This specific organization is a community involvement group whose purpose is to insure that women’s rights continue to be seen as relevant and progressive in today’s society. They understand that this election as all are essential in creating as well as amending policy; so in partnership with this organization I focused on encouraging Texans to rock the vote and in doing so they would become responsible citizens! I attracted attention and focused mainly on college students, providing information on candidates that are running, and if not registering constituents, providing them with information on how to take the next steps.

This was my first appearance as Miss Black Texas USA and it was a great start to my year because it was connected to something that I am truly passionate about. I was able to reach out to many in the minority community and those who did not know registration was necessary. That was the highlight of my day because it illustrated how I was making a difference in the lives of others and in doing so, I was leaving my footprints on the World. I have so much in store and this is only the beginning so please stay tuned!!!

Dymond Elise Hayes
Miss Black Texas USA

P.S. For more info on how to join the feminist movement please visit:

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