Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So much has taken place since my last blog entry. I can say that next month I will be graduating from Spelman College and am so thankful for that. Graduating from college means the starting of a new chapter in my life! I am blessed to say that thanks to my support system and God I secured a job with a top fifteen company in a fast-track program. Starting this summer I will be employed with AT&T as a business account executive. What is amazing is that throughout my interview process a lot of the skills that I gained through pageantry were transferable and ultimately led me to my success and for that I am thankful and encouraging anyone who is thinking about entering a pageant to do so because the payoff is amazing!

I also was blessed to take part in another Race for the Cure Walk. I must say that these are some of my favorite events of the year because they allow me to not only work with my personal platform, but to also connect with people who have similar passions as me and are motivated to make a difference. Please remember that these walks are held year around across the country and is one of Susan Komen's main fundraising initiatives. The time and donations that you place towards this initiative could ultimately save lives and I encourage you to donate!

Finally this past weekend I was able to use my speaking skills in order to be the mistress of ceremonies for The American Diamonds Pageant. A pageant that is christian based and strives to showcase the talents of young girls between the ages of 4 and 18 who are committed to being exemplary role models in their community and believe in giving back. I was honored to host the event and meet girls across the country who are outstanding in their own right and illustrate the bright future that our country has in store. In the upcoming months I have more events planned so please stay tuned!

Dymond Elise

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