Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tis' The Season

Tis' the season to be jolly and thankful for all of the blessings that have been placed in our lives. I have been blessed enough to spread to holiday spirit around the great state of Texas as Miss Black Texas USA. This month I was able to catch up with my sister queens Chandler and Shunte. Being able to get all of us together in one space and be able to share the stories of our lives is something that is always sentimental to me.  One of the events that we all participated in collectively was Sheila Jackson Lee's 18th Annual Toys for Kids Celebration. This was the best event that I have participated in by far due to the amount of children that I was able to reach. From a children's dance troop to a group of 3rd graders they were all ecstatic to see a real life princess that just wanted to see them smile and listen to the stories that they had to tell. Those smiles are the best presents that I will be receiving this year. While there I was also able to connect with the congresswoman herself, a fox anchor, and my personal favorite...Mr. and Mrs. Clause. My sister queens and I were able to be Santa's Helpers by being presented onstage and by distributing some of the fabulous gifts to a few of the 3,000 children that were in attendance.
Another event that I was honored to be a part of was an event known as the Santa Ensemble event. The Miss Black Texas USA organization had the honor of taking part in this event last year and I was excited to continue the tradition! The events goal is similar to the toy distribution in the hopes of improving the holidays for children within the Houston area. Those in attendance had the opportunity to watch a play, decorate ornaments, meet Santa, amongst other activities. Shunte, Chandler, Miss Bay Area USA, and myself helped out with check in and were available for photos as well. I must say that I enjoyed both of these events and look forward to what the rest of my year as queen has in store for me.
Until Next Time!
With Gratitude and Respect,
Dymond Elise
Miss Black Texas USA

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them!" -John F. Kennedy

This is one of my favorite quotes because it highlights one concept that I try to live my life by, make a difference, inspire, show thanks, and grow through your actions. As Miss Black Texas USA it is something that I plan to implement into my reign by reaching out to my community and by lending my time, talents, and resources to people in need. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for a devoting family, generous friends, my title, an amazing pageant staff, and opportunities that many could only dream of. I hope to change lives and I truly believe that through being a dignitary I will be one step closer to being able to do just that.

This morning I spent my time with someone that I have not seen since my crowning, my  sister queen, Chandler Foreman. We had the opportunity to take part in one of Texas' largest events, the HEB Holiday Parade. Being able to catch up with her, and my assistant director JC Goode was the highlight of my day. But of course the best part was being able to be a "queen" for the day in the eyes of many. I met Clutch from the Houston Rockets and saw many old friends. I will close this day with what matters most to me, my family and encourage you all to do the same! Please stay tuned because this is only the beginning of my journey!

Dymond Elise

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Breast Cancer Month Has Ended

Yesterday was the last day of Breast Cancer Awareness month and I want to leave my sisters with one important statistic:
  -African American women are 10% less likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but almost 40% are more likely to die from it.
Why? Poorer women live farther from mammography services, race and weight impact breast cancer survival, black patients receive less clinical trial information than white patients. The key to reversing these trends are “ Education and Early Detection”. October has ended, but our fight to end breast cancer forever continues!
Stay Alert!
With Love,
Dymond Elise

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good Morning Texas!

This past Monday I was given the opportunity of a lifetime! I took a break from my studies and flew into Dallas to be on Good Morning Texas. My interview followed the world renowned Regis Philbin from Regis and Kelly. To even be placed on the same show as him was an honor. Throughout my segment I was able to talk about my personal platform, discuss the Miss Black USA Organization, as well as outline my plans for my reign as Miss Black Texas USA.

When I walked into the studio I must say that I did not know what to expect. The best words to describe my feelings were bone shaking nervous. This was my first interview as Miss Black Texas and I wanted to nail it and really make everyone proud. I sat down in the chair, said a prayer and asked God to allow me show them who Dymond was. Thanks to his grace and much preparation I was able to shine. I must say that I walked away from that moment with a sense of accomplishment. If you would like to view the interview the web link can be found below:


Yesterday was also a very special day for me. My platform of breast cancer awareness also focuses on the need to increase early detection. Yesterday was National Mammogram Day! I have the flu so I was unable to promote my mobile mammogram program. However, I mobilized from home! I spent the day calling and sending out emails to spread the word because it was a day that could be used as a powerful reminder. A reminder to schedule an appointment, if you have not already done so!

In the next couple of months I have a lot of things planned and encourage everyone to stay tuned!

So Until Next Time,

With Love,

Dymond Elise

Miss Black Texas USA

Friday, October 12, 2012

Start the Fight by Eating Right!

There's a glowing body of research that suggest maintaining a healthy weight, eating a proper diet, and exercise can help reduce the risk of breast cancer; so please start today learning how lifestyle changes can reduce your risk and please find out how you can support the cause in your own community.
I just completed another "Race for the Cure" in my home city this month and can't wait until the upcoming one in Dallas, TX.

With Love,
Dymond Elise
Miss Black Texas USA

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Breast Cancer Month

"When a women is faced with breast cancer and has to deal with the physical and emotional changes it brings, she must remember that no matter what those changes are, she is still beautiful inside and out, and that her heart, spirit, and faith will help her to fight and overcome the disease."

Today is the first day of breast cancer awareness month and you can help by telling cancer survivors and those currently battling the disease, "They are Loved". As the daughter of a survivor and granddaughter who lost grandparents to this devastating disease I believe wholeheartedly, "Love works. It helped my mom beat cancer.

Dymond Elise Hayes
Miss Black Texas USA

Friday, September 28, 2012

Rock the Vote!

As a political science major what my teachings have taught me is the importance of appreciating the democratic process that we have here in the United States. As a citizen it is our duty to express our vote in the election procedure. This concept is what I promoted today. I was asked by the Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance (FMLA) to help host a voter registration drive, in San Antonio. This specific organization is a community involvement group whose purpose is to insure that women’s rights continue to be seen as relevant and progressive in today’s society. They understand that this election as all are essential in creating as well as amending policy; so in partnership with this organization I focused on encouraging Texans to rock the vote and in doing so they would become responsible citizens! I attracted attention and focused mainly on college students, providing information on candidates that are running, and if not registering constituents, providing them with information on how to take the next steps.

This was my first appearance as Miss Black Texas USA and it was a great start to my year because it was connected to something that I am truly passionate about. I was able to reach out to many in the minority community and those who did not know registration was necessary. That was the highlight of my day because it illustrated how I was making a difference in the lives of others and in doing so, I was leaving my footprints on the World. I have so much in store and this is only the beginning so please stay tuned!!!

Dymond Elise Hayes
Miss Black Texas USA

P.S. For more info on how to join the feminist movement please visit:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Dymond Hayes is Miss Black Texas USA 2013

I am honored to say that I am your new Miss Black Texas USA. This is an accomplishment that I am extremely proud of due to the fact that this was my third time competing in the state pageant. I guess that it is true that the thrid time is a charm. I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has supported me through this journey. A special thank to my new directors, Candace Cooper and JC Goode for putting on a pageant that is filled with intergrity, faith, and service. To my court, I was proud to be on the stage with all  of you! You all are strong women, who have accomplished so much and are beautiful on the inside as well as out! To my parents, and family, thank you for being the best support system any girl could ask for. You love me unconditionally and all of the sacrifices that you make do not go unnoticed. To my new sister queens, I look forward to getting to know you all better. Finally, I will conclude with saying that I will do my best to make Texas proud! Throughout my reign I plan on continuing to devote myself to my community, and really set out to make a difference. ~ Dymond Hayes, Miss Black Texas USA 2013

4th Runner Up BriAna Franklin, 2nd Runner Up Lindsay Booker, Miss Black Texas USA 2013 Dymond Hayes, 1st Runner Up Micaela Watkins, and 2nd Runner Up Roneshia Ray

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Congratulations to the Texas queens

Megan and Lauren did awesome at the national pageant for Miss Black USA. So proud of former Miss Black USA from Texas Ocielia Gibson. You had an awesome reign and represented Texas nationally well.

                                          Megan, Ocielia, and Lauren at Miss Black USA Pageant!

Lauren made history for Texas when she was named 2nd Runner Up to Miss Black USA Talented Teen. That is the highest ranking any Texas teen delegate has had. Lauren also won Best Talent. We are so proud of you Lauren!

Lauren in the 2nd Runner Up spot with the other contestants who made Top 5. Congratulations to Miss Black USA Talented Teen Naya Coard.

Megan didn't do bad either. She represented Texas so well that she made Top 15! She continues the tradition of keeping Texas in the top.

Megan shows off her fitness and evening gown attire for the Miss Black USA Pageant in Washington, DC.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Jessica Needs Your Help

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Miss Duncavile Needs Your Help

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Help Preteen Fresno Freje Randall

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Help Miss Brazos County Charity Chambers

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Help Ms. Dallas Win People's Choice

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Miss Killeen Needs Your Help

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Teen Pearland Needs Your Help

The Miss Black Texas USA People's Choice Competition

We want to hear from YOU! Vote for the Miss Black Texas USA "2012 People's Choice" winner. Every day we will post a different contestant on which you can vote as the People's Choice winner. The Winner will be announced during pageant weekend this September 2012 in Dallas, TX. Votes are $1.00 each and there is no limit on the maximum number of votes a contestant may receive or the number of votes you may cast.  Voting ends at 11:59pm on September 16, 2012.

Vote by clicking here https://www.wepay.com/donations/people-s-choice-awards

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Keep TEXAS on TOP!!!

After one week of voting TEAM TEXAS is on top! PEOPLE's CHOICE WEEK 1: The results are in. Texas Talented Teen, Lauren Clemons came out on top and following in 2nd place is Virgin Islands Talented Teen, Kathleen Chelcher. VOTE Today and let us know who is your fav Talented Teen contestant athttp://www.missblackusatalentedteen.org/2012-contestants/meet-contestants/