Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Trend Spotter

On Tuesday, I was given the opportunity to join my love of fashion and "giving back" together by attending an event. This specific event was the Trend Spotter Event that was hosted by Houston Style Magazine at the Macy's Galleria. The event challenged each of its attendees to show their individual style with added  flare. While dressed in our best we were able to meet with local businesses that are fashion based and view a fashion show. and this entire gathering was for a non-profit called Mia's Closet. This specific organization focuses on providing stylish clothes to under-privileged children. Each attendee was asked to support this non-profit by donating gently used clothing. 

While there I must say that I had a blast! I was able to do an appearance with my sister queen, Chandler which is always fun and was also able to meet a lot of great people. From some of Miss Black Texas' State Sponsors to "Dynamo" Players; local artist to a former Miss Black Texas, I was truly honored to be surrounded by accomplished individuals. The event even allowed me to speak on the importance of the Miss Black USA Organization (MBUSA) and I felt the warmth of the crowd and their openness to hearing what I had to say about the MBUSA's mission. Below please find a link to the clip of me being interviewed on the red carpet and stay tuned for more insight into my reign!

Stay Blessed!

Dymond Elise


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tip 3: You Are What You Eat

It seems like since birth we have been told that what you eat matters. And some go as far as saying it reflects on you. Regardless on the severity of this it has actually been seen as a contributing factor in breast cancer diagnosis. One of the best tips that I have ever received (and am now passing on to ya'll) is that you should keep an eye out on foods that not only taste great, but also help reduce your risk against this life-threatening disease. Listed below please find a few suggestions:

1. Eat Red and Purple Grapes! Not only are they one of my favorite foods of all time; but they also contain resveratrol, which may block the development of breast cancer. 

2. Snack on Walnuts. Recent studies have illustrated that eating walnuts daily may reduce risk.

3. Eat your meats grilled! Grilling meat can produce carcinogens. You can cut your risk further by adding spices/herbs like rosemary, turmeric, and cumin that are known to help in the fight against cancer.

4. Finally, add flaxseeds to your diet. Flaxseeds contain lignans, antioxidants that may have anticancer effects. So add a tablespoon to your yogurt, oatmeal, or your favorite salad. 

Hope this helps in your fight towards living healthy!

Dymond Elise

Friday, June 21, 2013

Juneteenth Celebration

An important part of black history is the celebration of Juneteenth. This celebration is one of the oldest commemorations concerning the end of United States slavery. It dates back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, TX. with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free. (Note that this was two and a half years after President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation). It is this event that is the basis for the Juneteenth Celebrations that are celebrated throughout the country to this day; all celebrating with the mission to "promote and cultivate knowledge and appreciation of African American history and culture." This past weekend I was honored to take place in some of the festivities by serving as a dignitary for the Missouri City Juneteenth Celebration/Parade. It was amazing to see my community join together and celebrate with joy over how far we have come! What made the event even more special was the fact that I got to see my fellow sister queens Chandler and Shunte and catch up on what has happened since we have all been together. After the parade we were able to see the bands from across the state participate in the "Battle of the Bands." From signing autographs to talking with others it was an event that simply warmed my heart and will not be forgotten. Well…that's all for now!

Until Next Time,
With Love,

Dymond Elise

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tip 2

Remember when we were children and our parents told us to go outside and play? It turns out they were right again of course. Sunshine is the main source of Vitamin D3. This form of Vitamin D helps create and enhance the proper functioning of all healthy cells in the body. Vitamin D is particularly helpful in preventing breast, ovarian, prostate and colorectal cancer. So now that the weather is great and the sun is shining bright, "Go Out and Enjoy It!" For another easy point, while you're sunning yourself, sip a cup of tea. Although tea drinking has been associated with health benefits for centuries, only recently has its medicinal properties been investigated scientifically. Tea has a high content of flavonoids which are plant-derived compounds that are antioxidants.

Green tea is at the top of the list since it is the best food source of a group called catechins. This Superfood is more powerful than vitamins C and E in halting oxidative damage to cells and appears to have other disease-fighting properties. Studies have linked green tea with a reduced risk for several cancers including; skin, breast, lung, colon, esophageal, and bladder...so please drink up!

Stay Healthy!
With Love,

Dymond Elise

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Father's Day

I would like to take the time to say Happy Father's Day to all of those out there who are transforming the lives of those younger and more impressionable. Rather you actually are a father or simply fulfilled that role I take my hat off to you all because you have truly made a difference in someone's life and have therefore positively enhanced the World we call home!

In order to show my gratitude to these men I spent yesterday volunteering at one of the local senior living facilities in my area. My thought process was that it is important to show these men that they have not been forgotten about and that they are all special. Therefore I worked with the staff in order to produce a dinner for them where good ole' Texas barbecue was served!

At this event I felt the wealth of knowledge surrounding me and spent my time visiting with individuals and learning about their life lessons and memories. Although I had the crown, all of these men were royalty in my book. 

Yesterday was great, but the weekend is not yet over! I will be participating in the Missouri City Juneteenth Celebration today along with a Battle of the Bands Competition, and what pageant girl won't be watching Miss USA on Sunday. Well...that's all for now!

So Until Next Time,
With Love,

Dymond Elise

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Breast Cancer Tips Begin!

Weekly this summer I will be sharing tips and strategies cancer survivors have found helpful to achieve healthy living so please visit my blog regularly!

Tip Number 1: Get Moving

The most important lifestyle tip I learned was how essential exercise was to preventing breast cancer.  Twenty to thirty minutes per day at least five days a week can reduce recurrence by 40-50%.  This is the most common tip recommended by oncologists.

For more tips ...please stay tuned!


Dymond Elise

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Happy 100 ACS!

Hello All, 
As I work in partnership with Endo Health Solutions & The American Cancer Society, in their support and quest to "End Cancer" I ask everyone to do what they can to join  the following cause:

The American Cancer Society (ACS), one of the nation's leading organizations committed to fighting all forms of cancer, is celebrating 100 years of saving lives. This year ACS has asked its supporters and sponsors, including Endo, to speak out, make noise, and take action to finish the fight against cancer once and for all.

ACS has made significant progress in the last two decades against the disease, helping reduce overall cancer death rates by 20% since the early 1990s and saving over 400 lives every day that would have been lost to cancer. As a corporate sponsor, Endo has been asked to help share the ACS story among internal and external audiences. I encourage each and everyone of you to join in on the celebration by becoming knowledgeable and donating your time, talents, and services to the cause!

To learn more about ACS's work to end cancer, visit cancer.org and visit Endo Pharmaceuticals official website to learn how Endo continues to support this important cause. 

Thanks for your help and attention!
With Love,
Dymond Elise

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Out and About

This past month I accomplished something that meant the World to me, I graduated from Spelman College. To stand on stage and receive recognition for something that I worked toward for my entire life was surreal and something that I will always cherish. Outside of this accomplishment I also had the opportunity to go back to the roots of my volunteer work, breast cancer awareness and early detection. I was able to take part in an fundraising effort sponsored by Coca-Cola. This was a great event to take part in for me because I always love to be engaged and raising funds towards saving lives. I believe that it is my calling because if it was not for the efforts of others, my mother may not have survived. Therefore I must continue to pay it forward!

Being part of the Miss Black USA organization also includes becoming a voice for the Missing and Exploited Children's cause/center which is funded and exposed through Take 25 events. This past month was dedicated to their efforts, however the cause continues and takes place year around. I encourage each and everyone of you to look into how you can get involved because it could save the family unit of someone close to you.

While touching on children, I was asked by my church to be the host of our children's program and helping them get in touch with their history. I was able to set up and host them at the Martin Luther King Center and it was a blast! Being in the community, learning and interacting with the kids, and giving them a positive outlook on life meant the World to me and will not be forgotten. In the next couple of weeks I have a lot planned so please stay tuned!

With Love,
Dymond Elise