Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Monday, August 5, 2013

I Am More Than Meets the Eye

This past week I was able to speak to a group of girls ranging from ages 9-17 who are involved in an amazing system known as Virtuous Star. This is a dance  program that not only teaches young girls how to dance, but ministers them during the process as well. So when I was asked to be a mentor and speak at their dance camp in order to help with the cultivation process, I was thrilled! My speech focused on the idea that "I am More Than Meets the Eye," an installment that focuses on teaching these girls to look beyond physical attributes in order to see the true beauty inside. What made this event very special for me is that I could see first hand the difference that I was making and that I was positively impacting the lives of those who are impressionable and have been subjected to numerous criticisms. They were truly the best group I have ever spoken to! I left the event with a renewed sense of self and love for the position that the Miss Black USA Organization has placed me in. 
This event was a great one to lead into the national pageant this week because it illustrates what I would like to do as Miss Black USA; which is to be visible while also aiming at leaving the World having touched someone's life positively! So please keep me in your prayers over the next couple of days because I will not only be featured tomorrow on KHOU's Great Day Houston speaking on my platform and the importance of black pageantry, but I will also be competing in hopes of bringing the national title home to Texas!

So Wish Me Luck!

Dymond Elise

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