Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens

Miss Black Texas America CoEd Reigning Queens
Miss Black Texas America CoEd Queens - Princess Kadence Polley; Preteen Jasmine Cooks; Miss Roneshia Ray; Teen Ziara Smith; Ms Micaela Watkins and Miss Black America CoEd Dymond Hayes

Monday, November 14, 2011

Congratulations to the New State Queens!!!!!

Miss Black Texas USA 2012
Megan Holston
Miss Black Texas USA Talented Teen 2012
Lauren Clemons
Miss Black Texas USA Princess 2012
Rajah Baldwin
Miss Black Texas Preteen 2012
Camryn Ned
Ms. Black Texas 2012
D'Antrese McNeil

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Introducing the New Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Meet Miss Black Texas USA Savannah Williams

Texas Wins Miss Black USA

Miss Black USA 2011 with her mom and Miss Black USA Talented Teen with her mom.

God gets ALL of the glory!

I was crowned Miss Black USA 2011 at the Lincoln Theatre in D.C. Congratulations also go out to North Carolina's Jasmin Sessoms for being being crowned Miss Black USA Talented Teen 2011 and Miss Texas' Talented Teen, Selena Mitchell, for placing 3rd runner-up! 

To keep up with my reign as Miss Black USA 2011, please visithttp://www.missblackusa.org/, join the Official Facebook Fan Page atwww.facebook.com/missblackusa and
follow the Miss Black USA Organization on Twitter at www.twitter.com/missblackusa

Friday, July 29, 2011

2011 Contestants for the Miss Black Texas USA Pageant

The Miss Black Texas USA Pageant staff is so excited about the 2011 Miss Black Texas USA Pageant. This year all 5 divisions - Princess, Preteen, Teen, Miss, and Ms - will compete during the same weekend - November 11-13, 2011 in Houston, Texas. Contestants are coming from all across Texas for the chance to represent the Lone Star State. Currently, contestants are being revealed everyday at noon through our People's Choice Award. Contestants' photos appear on the homepage of www.missblacktexasusa.com for 24 hours. During that time period all supporters of that contestant may vote her as the People's Choice winner. Votes are $1.00 each and proceeds go to the Miss Black Texas USA Scholarship Fund. Support your favorite contestant today!!!!!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

All About Me Girls Conference!

I recently served as keynote speaker for the "All About Me" Girls Conference in Fort Worth. This was an incredible conference that served young ladies in Dunbar, Eastern Hills, and O.D. Wyatt High Schools! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to meet and share with this community of girls. Enjoy the pics!

Redefine beauty,

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'Take 25' with Miss Black Texas USA!

Today is National Missing and Exploited Children's Day. The Miss Black USA Scholarship Pageant and Foundation, Inc. invited all state delegates to 'Take 25' in their communities to educate children about personal safety! I was fortunate to facilitate my 'Take 25' event as John W. Carpenter Elementary, where I enlightened seventy 3rd-5th grade students on tips for safety. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children charges Americans to take 25 minutes to talk to children about safety. Have you taken the time to discuss safety with children in your family yet? Please do so today. For resources, please visit http://www.take25.org/ and http://www.netsmartz.org/.


Miss Black Texas USA - DOLLS Event!

I had the unique opportunity to serve as keynote speaker for the D.O.L.L.S. Mentoring Organization's True Beauty Graduation Ceremony this past weekend. D.O.L.L.S. is a rites of passage program for girls of Birdie Alexander Elementary in Dallas, TX. One of the great blessings of being Miss Black Texas USA is the opportunity to empower girls through speaking, and hear how the message touches them personally. Here I snagged a shot with one stunning "doll" who is commencing to middle school next year! Congratulations to all of the 2011 graduates of this fantastic program!

Redefining beauty,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

D.I.V.A. in San Antonio!


My Girls' Speaking Tour recently led me to San Antonio, Tx, where I gave a self-esteem workshop to the ladies of the D.I.V.A. Organization! I am so grateful for the opportunity to meet these young women and connect with such a fabulous organization.

Visit D.I.V.A. online:

Redefining beauty, Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Miss Black Texas USA judges Miss Texas Plus America!

I had the pleasure of judging the Miss Texas Plus America Pageant this weekend in Richardson, TX! The ladies were so beautiful, confident, and inspiring. I truly enjoyed meeting each and every one of them. It was a fabulous competition, and an honor to judge.

Congratulations to the newly crowned 2011 titleholders! I know they will each represent Texas beautifully at the national competition. (I was excited to hear that the national pageant will be in Dallas this year, therefore I have already marked my calendar to support!)

Exude ultimate beauty,


Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

More Girls, More Fun!

Hello Everyone!!

I have had an enormous amount of fun recently as I've continued my All-Girls' Speaking Tour. Just wanted to share some snapshots of recents visits to Girls Living Life on Purpose, Mark Twain Elementary School, and Erasmo Seguin Elementary School...




Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Touching the Lives of a Thousand Texas Girls!

Greetings everyone!

I had the recent blessing to reach a landmark in my reign as Miss Black Texas USA 2011.
As of yesterday, I have shared my message of true beauty to over a thousand girls in the state of Texas through school and community assemblies!

Above I am pictured with girls from R.L. Thornton Elementary in Dallas. These ladies nearly BOMBARDED me after I gave them an assembly! And you what? It's okay. After all, making them feel special is what being Miss Black Texas USA 2011 is all about.

Redefining beauty,

Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Fabulous Times with Fabulous Girls!

(With some fabulous girls during the Fabulous Female Expo , January 2011)


I had the recent opportunity to give inspirational talks to girls at Barbara Jordan Elementary and the Fabulous Female Expo in Fort Worth! These experences not only inspired the young ladies in attendance, but resonated within me as well. No matter how many years and accomplishments we accumulate, children always have a way of "teaching" us. Interacting with these girls reminded me of the significance of the crown. These appearances were the first time many of the girls ever encountered a "queen". From that, they were in awe of every word I spoke, and every move I made. The principles I shared for authentic beauty truly resonated with them. They seemingly clung to every piece of encouragement shared.

This is my aim: To inspire countless girls toward world-changing, undying beauty as Miss Black Texas USA. The journey has only begun! Please keep my efforts in your thoughts and prayers, and NEVER underestimate how your presence affects the little ones around you.

Redefine beauty,

Ocielia Gibson

Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Coming to a School Assembly Near You!

Empowering Texas girls one school at a time!

Redefining the perception of beauty,
Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Congratulating Le Rich Couture!

I had the unique pleasure to join my sister queen, Aisha Deslandes, at Le Rich Couture's
National Spokesmodel Competition and Spring 2011 Collection Preview! Le Rich Couture is based in Houston, TX, and was founded by Le S. Richardson. This contemporary fashion line focuses on empowering young women to achieve beauty, strength, and destiny! That alone made this such a meaningful event to support. Congratulations to Esmerelda Pena , the face of Le Rich for 2011!
Redefining Beauty...
Miss Black Texas USA 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Greetings from Ocielia

A few days ago I celebrated my 26th birthday. Nothing fancy, I truly took the day to rest and reflect on the past year. My birthday is actually when the new year starts for me. Instead of thinking in terms of January 1st as being a fresh start, the day I celebrate another of year of life is my fresh start. Although my birthday is literally only days away from New Years, I still find this helpful in keeping my dreams in perspective.

With a new year comes excitement and anticipation of great things, and I hope the best for you this 2011. I encourage you to reflect on the things (and individuals) that truly strengthened you in 2010, and to take those lessons with you for a greater 2011!

Wishing you a great 2011,
Miss Black Texas USA 2011